Medicare Enrollment Service

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Stuck on these Medicare DME questions…

• Opt in or opt out?

• Participating or non-participating?


Well, you came to the right place!

Stop guessing and avoiding these questions that will affect your practice’s bottom line and the ability to change more lives.  Let the experts at Pristine Medical Billing, support you in your mission to successfully treat the large population of Medicare patients, who can't find an option when looking for “Medicare coverage and reimbursement".  Differentiate yourself - be the solution that this adult group seeks out on a daily basis.  Become a Medicare Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider with us.

At Pristine Medical Billing, we encourage you to make the right decision for you and your patients.  Understand that you can charge the same amount you are currently charging for cash pay Medicare patients, but allow these patients to get reimbursed.  We will consult with you on the same questions everyone has: Why or why not?  Opt in or Opt out?  Participate or non-participate?  It is imperative to first understand these questions before you dive into this.  Don’t do it alone.  We can help. 

The experts at Pristine Medical Billing will effectively remove your headache from the Medicare DME enrollment process. We have a full-time staff dedicated to this task – enrolling several new Medicare DME clients each month, accurately and efficiently. 

Once you’re enrolled, we’ve got your back!  Our team has been billing Medicare in the sleep arena for the last 10 years and understands the ins and outs of the nation’s largest medical insurance provider. Yes, the largest medical insurance provider!  Why wouldn’t you enroll? 

Here’s how we help:

·      We are pristine with your paperwork – perfecting your application to increase accuracy in billing.

·      We simplify the process - converting the 32-page application into a simple 4-page form.

·      We provide security – walking you through the Medicare site inspection with our detailed checklist of key points that Medicare will be looking for. 

·      We strive to be the masters of follow up – ensuring the completion of the application to safeguard your Medicare PTAN number.

·      We strive to be fast – enrolling you in electronic claim submissions and deposits so you are reimbursed in 3-4 weeks.

·      We are pristine with your claims – submitting clean claims to ensure your provider number remains active, while you continue to save lives and get paid for your services.

·      We are your support - assisting you and your team when additional documents are requested.

·      We connect you – providing you with links to Medicare guidelines for treatment and the CMN matters site, to sign up for automatic updates to ensure you’re staying in compliance.

·      We empower you – ensuring you can continue to write prescriptions for your Medicare patients.

·      We offer promotional pricing – newly enrolled clients earn discounted enrollment.

Don’t turn your Medicare patients away because you’re afraid of the unknown.  Let our team at Pristine Medical Billing consult with you on this topic, educate you on the ins and outs and guide you to the proper decision for your practice and your patients. 

Start marketing yourself as the go-to provider in your area by taking all insurance plans, including Medicare. 

Our team has successfully enrolled over 450 practices so we're ready when you are!  


Medicare Enrollment Service Fee

Non-Client Fee - $1,450

Pristine Client Fee - $1,050

***Our Medicare Enrollment Service Fee does NOT include the required application fee (approx. $730) nor the required Surety Bond (approx. $250.)

Check out our Enrollment Packages